Posts tagged APA
Searching Someone on the Internet

Let’s be honest. How many times have you typed someone’s name into a search engine (we all know the one I’m talking about) to get information about them? I know I have. The world is at our fingertips now more than ever. With a quick swipe of our hands and fingers, we have instant access to information about a person that they may or may not want us to know about.

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Why Can't You See My Family Member/Friend?

Word of mouth is the source for many of my referrals. The best compliment you can give me and the work I do is a referral. However, sometimes I cannot work with someone, especially if the person is in the same family or a close friend of a current or former patient. The question I often get asked is, “why?” My kids have the same pediatrician. My best friend and I go to the same dermatologist. I totally get it. However, most professionals have a code of conduct and ethical guidelines to follow.

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Telehealth, Remote Therapy, Online Therapy, Virtual Therapy

One positive from the pandemic is that it has allowed for more access to mental health services. When it comes to remote and online therapy, the use has increased drastically since March 2020. I have talked about this topic many times. Prior to the pandemic, about 25% of my caseload was online. Fast forward to March 2020 and even now, my caseload has been 100% online and will continue to be for the time being. Although remote and online therapy has allowed people to stay connected, it has had some downfalls that many people are not aware of when it comes to online therapy.

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