Posts tagged pandemic
Telehealth, Remote Therapy, Online Therapy, Virtual Therapy

One positive from the pandemic is that it has allowed for more access to mental health services. When it comes to remote and online therapy, the use has increased drastically since March 2020. I have talked about this topic many times. Prior to the pandemic, about 25% of my caseload was online. Fast forward to March 2020 and even now, my caseload has been 100% online and will continue to be for the time being. Although remote and online therapy has allowed people to stay connected, it has had some downfalls that many people are not aware of when it comes to online therapy.

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Why Haven't They Called?

“I reached out to so many providers and no one called me back!” The previous statement is one I hear often. Too often actually. I did a small social media post on this back in December 2020 when I heard it 3 times in one day. It’s a pet peeve of mine! I am not placing blame on one party but thought it might be helpful to shed some light from both perspectives. We all need to do better.

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Happy Anniversary...?

Happy Anniversary! A year ago today was the last time I saw someone in my office prior to COVID-19. This is an anniversary I would rather not celebrate. I miss seeing people in my office. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I miss my hour commute each way to my office. There is something about having the control and decisions taken from you that does something to you.

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