Posts tagged ethics
Searching Someone on the Internet

Let’s be honest. How many times have you typed someone’s name into a search engine (we all know the one I’m talking about) to get information about them? I know I have. The world is at our fingertips now more than ever. With a quick swipe of our hands and fingers, we have instant access to information about a person that they may or may not want us to know about.

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Why Can't You See My Family Member/Friend?

Word of mouth is the source for many of my referrals. The best compliment you can give me and the work I do is a referral. However, sometimes I cannot work with someone, especially if the person is in the same family or a close friend of a current or former patient. The question I often get asked is, “why?” My kids have the same pediatrician. My best friend and I go to the same dermatologist. I totally get it. However, most professionals have a code of conduct and ethical guidelines to follow.

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