Posts tagged telepsych
What to Look for in a Therapist

Let’s face it, therapy can be scary. Before you even set foot in the room, you have to make that call. Actually, even before making that call, you need to find someone you think might be a good fit. Unlike other providers for services, therapy is a little more intimate. The relationship between therapist and patient is a unique one, unlike any other relationship you may ever have. You want to make sure that the person you are sitting across from each week is someone you fit with.

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Why Can't You See My Family Member/Friend?

Word of mouth is the source for many of my referrals. The best compliment you can give me and the work I do is a referral. However, sometimes I cannot work with someone, especially if the person is in the same family or a close friend of a current or former patient. The question I often get asked is, “why?” My kids have the same pediatrician. My best friend and I go to the same dermatologist. I totally get it. However, most professionals have a code of conduct and ethical guidelines to follow.

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Vacation Jitters- Tips to Help Prepare Your Child

Vacations can be exciting times, especially after the year 2020 and parts of 2021 have been. However, vacations are often a time of uncertainty and anxiety for some children. The slightest change, even positive change, and ones that children are excited about can still cause anxious thoughts to run wild in their minds.

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New Home for Vici Psychological Care!

I have exciting news to share with all of you!

The new home for Vici Psychological Care, LLC (aka me) is in Allendale, NJ!

I am very excited to make this move, and I know 2020 and 2021 have been a crazy ride. The last thing I wanted was one more change. However, this location has allowed me to return to in-person sessions sooner, and I think you will all like it!

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Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? It’s not a new thing either! Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed during the month of May in the United States since 1949!

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