Posts tagged COVID-19
5 Tips for Returning to Work

Let’s face it… virtual and hybrid methods of work are here to stay! This might mean a company or position in a company going 100% remote or a hybrid method of some remote work as well as some in-person work. If you find yourself in a position where you do need to return to in-person work, whether 100% or a hybrid method, how do you prepare for that transition back?

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School's Out... Now What?

The end of the school year can be bittersweet. It’s the start of summer vacation where kids don’t have to be in a classroom for several weeks, their workload has decreased, they can sleep in and stay up late. It’s awesome! However, after having about 9 months of a routine, summer can be stressful for kids.

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Vacation Jitters- Tips to Help Prepare Your Child

Vacations can be exciting times, especially after the year 2020 and parts of 2021 have been. However, vacations are often a time of uncertainty and anxiety for some children. The slightest change, even positive change, and ones that children are excited about can still cause anxious thoughts to run wild in their minds.

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The Return to Normalcy

I had another blog post ready for this week. You will see that one soon enough. However, I felt it necessary to create another one, especially with all the changes that have been happening.

Finally! There seems to be some sense of normalcy returning. Indoor and outdoor restrictions have changed, as have mask requirements. To be clear, this isn’t a political post. This post is about the normal anxiety that might emerge as we all make our way back into society and try to get back to where we were pre-COVID-19. Please check with local and state guidelines in your area when it comes to COVID-19 protocols.

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New Home for Vici Psychological Care!

I have exciting news to share with all of you!

The new home for Vici Psychological Care, LLC (aka me) is in Allendale, NJ!

I am very excited to make this move, and I know 2020 and 2021 have been a crazy ride. The last thing I wanted was one more change. However, this location has allowed me to return to in-person sessions sooner, and I think you will all like it!

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