Posts tagged trust
Not “Just Another Pride Month Blog”

Pride month is a time for communities worldwide to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community! For us, this isn’t just something we’re checking a box off to keep the status quo. Even though Pride is something we’re passionate about acknowledging year-round, we can’t pass up the opportunity to speak about a topic so important to us as a practice. One of the crucial aspects of celebrating Pride is ensuring effectiveness as allies. 

Today, let’s talk a little bit about the reasons why allyship is important and how to do it well! Allyship is essential because it acknowledges and actively addresses the systemic inequalities and injustices faced by marginalized communities. 

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Age-Appropriate Chores

Some parents believe that chores are something children should be engaging in as early as possible, whereas other parents don’t believe their children should have to complete chores. Whatever works for your family and parenting style is what you do. However, I often encourage parents to assign some chores to their children as it is a great way to increase independence, self-esteem, confidence, and responsibility. Regardless of your stance on chores, there is no reason children cannot help out around the house, especially if it relates to a mess they made.

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Helicopter Parenting vs. Lawn Mower Parenting

Many of us have heard of the term, “helicopter parent” before. This refers to the parent who tends to be overly involved in their child’s life. These parents tend to hover (much like a helicopter) so much that they can come controlling or over perfecting.

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Searching Someone on the Internet

Let’s be honest. How many times have you typed someone’s name into a search engine (we all know the one I’m talking about) to get information about them? I know I have. The world is at our fingertips now more than ever. With a quick swipe of our hands and fingers, we have instant access to information about a person that they may or may not want us to know about.

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