Posts tagged caring
How to be Supportive- 5 Tips

Supporting someone with a mental health diagnosis can be extremely difficult. You might not understand their symptoms or what they are going through or you might be afraid of saying the wrong thing and making them feel worse. There is no specific guidebook on how to help someone. Sure, you have this blog post, many others, and even actual self-help books out there. Those are great, but mental health isn’t cookie-cutter nor is supporting someone through their mental health struggles. I encourage you to gather as much information as possible and see what applies to your loved ones through their journey.

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Toxic Positivity

Have you heard of toxic positivity? If not, let me define the phrase for you. Toxic positivity is the belief or idea that no matter what the situation is, you should maintain a positive mindset or try to find the positives in the situation.

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5 Tips for Showing Gratitude

Can you believe it’s the last week of October? Where did this month go? While most people are busy getting ready for the upcoming holiday weekend, some of us are already looking ahead to the holiday season. What is the holiday season going to look like this year? Will we finally be able to have a “normal” gathering for the holidays that doesn’t include video calls? Regardless of what the holiday season may look like for you this year, we are going into a season to show kindness, gratitude, and caring. No, we don’t need a specific season to display these traits. However, if you have been finding a decrease in your use of these things, there is no better time to start!

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Halloween & Kids

Halloween can be such a fun and exciting time for many individuals. Most kids get excited to dress up as their favorite character and load their bellies with lots of candy. However, what happens when Halloween isn’t a fun time for your child? What happens if they get nervous about the costumes? What happens if they can’t eat most candy because of allergies? What happens when almost everyone at school has paired off for festivities and your child is now excluded?

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Winter Blues... or Is It?

Can you believe it’s October already? Where did summer go and where did September go? October offers the promise of fall activities, the upcoming holiday season, and the (usual) dreaded clock change. I mean, most of us do like getting an extra hour of sleep, but most of us also dislike how early it gets dark now.

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