Posts tagged responsibility
Age-Appropriate Chores

Some parents believe that chores are something children should be engaging in as early as possible, whereas other parents don’t believe their children should have to complete chores. Whatever works for your family and parenting style is what you do. However, I often encourage parents to assign some chores to their children as it is a great way to increase independence, self-esteem, confidence, and responsibility. Regardless of your stance on chores, there is no reason children cannot help out around the house, especially if it relates to a mess they made.

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Emotional Support Animals vs. Service Animals

One might argue that our pets are emotional support pets. In recent years that phrase has been a catch-all phrase to mean a variety of different things. Yes, our animals can support our emotional health. Personally, when I walk through the door after a long day and am greeted by my two dogs, I can’t help but bring a smile to my face. However, the term “emotional support” animal doesn’t mean the scenario I just described.

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