Posts tagged teens
The Power of Respect: Teaching Kids the Golden Rule

In October, schools across America recognize the Week of Respect. Respect is a fundamental value that every child should learn from a young age. It forms the basis of healthy relationships, builds empathy, and promotes kindness and understanding in our society. Teaching respect to children is about helping them understand that every person deserves kindness, consideration, and fair treatment.

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Talking to Your Child About Suicide Prevention

During the month of September, we recognize Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is a challenging and sensitive topic that no one wants to discuss, let alone with their children. However, addressing suicide prevention with kids is crucial in today's world, where mental health issues are on the rise. Parents play a vital role in creating a safe and supportive environment for their children to discuss their feelings and concerns. Let’s explore the importance of talking about suicide prevention with kids and offer guidance on how to approach this difficult conversation.

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Back-To-School Preparation

Does it feel like summer is going by too quickly? As we turn the calendar into August, the carefree days filled with vacations, outdoor fun, and less restricted routines begin to turn into more rigid schedules. So, how do we prepare ourselves for this inevitable change? Well, it may not be that difficult for adults to adjust to. But, how about our kids?

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Mental Health Awareness for Teens

Let’s take note of a particular population that has been facing a unique set of challenges over the past few years- our teens. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a loss of socialization skills, an increase in stress, and a disruption in the routines and norms of our teens’ lives. In fact, there is no better time to raise awareness of the importance of addressing the mental health needs of teenagers as the ramifications of their challenges are now being seen more readily both at school and at home.

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Understanding Today's Teen

Let’s talk teens! Many teens experience a range of emotions that may seem complex to those caring adults around them. Throughout the teenage years, factors such as hormones, changing bodies and minds, as well as social pressures take the front seat. Left to their own vices, today’s teen often presents with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or a lack of healthy communication skills. So, how do we as adults navigate these tumultuous waters with our teens while still preserving our relationships with them?

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