Posts tagged diagnosis
Is Diagnosing Helpful?

The topic of diagnosing comes up frequently. In fact, I recently helped contribute to an article about diagnosis and how difficult it can be at times. I am big on the idea that I don’t treat the diagnosis, I treat the symptoms. Two people can come to me for treatment and I can provide the same diagnosis, but their symptoms are very different. That’s because the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is in its 5th edition (DSM-5) has a list of several criteria for various disorders, and depending on the disorder, not all criteria need to be met.

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Private Pay vs. Insurance

“Do you accept insurance?” This is usually one of the first questions prospective patients/parents ask me. It’s an important question! My short answer to that question is, “No.” The more in-depth answer is, “No, I do not accept insurance and am considered an out-of-network (OON) provider. I require payment at every session and provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for any OON benefits you may be eligible for.” Let’s figure out what all of that means.

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