Snow Day Activities Without Screens

Who doesn’t love a good snow day? If you are joining my blog from NJ or any other place that gets hit with snow during the winter, snow days can stretch out. The first few storms are pretty and it’s nice to have a day off here and there. However, once you are on snow day #5, it’s freezing, and you’ve had to cancel plans again, it gets annoying. A snow day can turn into the perfect (or not-so-perfect) day to sit around and binge-watch Netflix or scroll on social media. However, screens weren’t always around for snow days (yes, I know… shocker!). Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t the healthiest or most productive way to spend the day. If you are looking to make your next snow day screen-free, or at least include less screen time, check out some non-screen-related snow day activities below.

  1. Go outside! It’s not a new concept, but one that people often stare at me when I recommend. Even with the snow and cold temperatures, you can still go outside as long as you are appropriately dressed. Bundle up and go have a snowball fight or build a snow person. Build an igloo, go sledding, or get some juice and color the snow with art. The sky’s the limit when you go outside. The fresh air and maybe even sunlight if we are lucky, will do you some good! 

  2. Bake or cook something. Have a new recipe you have been wanting to try? A snow day is a perfect day to turn the stove or oven on and jump into some cooking or baking. You have ample time to make your creation and can stay toasty warm while doing it. If you are sharing the snow day with family members, especially the littles, encourage them to help with your creation. 

  3. Indoor obstacle courses or forts. If you don’t like to be outside in the cold or the temperatures are too low, bring the fun inside. Grab some blankets and pillows and make an obstacle course with the kids. Build pillow forts and play hide-and-seek or make up a new game. 

  4. Read. The bookworm in me loves nothing more than a snow day that gives me an excuse to read all day. Finish that book that has been on your nightstand or grab a new one off your shelf.

  5. Board games. Bust out some of the old-school games and make it a family snow day. Games like Monopoly that can take forever are the perfect snow day time passer. Take a trip down memory lane with some older board games and if you have littles, teach them how to play these new games.

I understand how important screens are. I mean, you need a screen to read this post and I needed one to create this post. I also use screens in my daily practice and personal life. However, finding the screen time balance is very important. Screens are a quick and easy way to pass the time and help decrease boredom. Here is the thing though: boredom is not a bad thing! It can foster creativity and increase independence. Don’t wait until the snow day to have a list of ideas on what to do. Create them ahead of time so you just need to pick a few.