Posts tagged days off
Mental Health Days

In general, there has been an increase in awareness of mental health care/illness over the last few years. Although still stigmatizing, mental health care and illness are being talked about more than ever. If you needed proof, check out the waitlist many mental health providers currently have. The zeitgeist of the time is showing that more and more individuals are seeking and benefiting from mental health care, which includes taking mental health days!

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Snow Day Activities Without Screens

Who doesn’t love a good snow day? If you are joining my blog from NJ or any other place that gets hit with snow during the winter, snow days can stretch out. The first few storms are pretty and it’s nice to have a day off here and there. However, once you are on snow day #5, it’s freezing, and you’ve had to cancel plans again, it gets annoying. A snow day can turn into the perfect (or not-so-perfect) day to sit around and binge-watch Netflix or scroll on social media. However, screens weren’t always around for snow days (yes, I know… shocker!). Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t the healthiest or most productive way to spend the day. If you are looking to make your next snow day screen-free, or at least include less screen time, check out some non-screen-related snow day activities below.

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