5 Tips to Surviving Holiday Work Parties

Holiday parties can be stressful. Holiday parties at work can be even more stressful. If you are someone who has social anxiety or generalized anxiety, just thinking about your company’s holiday party is probably causing you to sweat right now. It would be easy not to go, but then that is just giving in to the irrational thoughts and beliefs. Instead, plan to go to the holiday party (even for a little it) and use some of the tips below to help you get through the event. Although the below tips are by no means exhaustive and may not apply to each individual, if attending your holiday work party is causing you to experience anxious symptoms, you may also find comfort and assistance in talking to a mental health professional.

  1. Plan out conversation topics. Before heading to your holiday work party, think of appropriate conversation topics ahead of time. You want to avoid talking shop at the event, but it can be difficult when you are not comfortable or close to your coworkers. Brush up on some current events that are not political and controversial, take note of some personal tidbits coworkers are talking about at work (e.g. children coming home for the holidays, new pet, etc.). 

  2. Use the buddy system. Do you have a bestie at work? If so, see if you two can carpool together or at least walk into the party together. You don’t have to stick to each other like glue all night, but having a friendly and comforting face might be helpful if your anxiety gets the best of you.

  3. Listen to your body. There is a difference between getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and being on the brink of a panic attack. Listen to the physiological cues your body gives you and don’t push yourself too far. 

  4. Use your coping skills. Prior to the party be sure to use as many coping skills as possible. Head to the gym or journal before the event. Whatever helps reduce your anxiety, use it. If you have other coping skills you can use during the event such as deep breathing, don’t forget to use that as well. When in doubt, you can always excuse yourself to use the restroom or get fresh air. 

  5. Watch your alcohol consumption. If your holiday party is out at a restaurant or even on the premises and alcohol is being served, be mindful of your consumption. Although alcohol might help decrease your anxiety, it’s not a healthy nor appropriate coping skill. The event you are attending is still a work event, and your bosses/supervisors, coworkers, and/or employees may be watching your behavior, which could impact the relationships you have at work and ultimately your position with your company.