Posts tagged holidays
Navigating the Holiday Blues: Recognizing and Addressing Mental Health During the Festive Season

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, warmth, and celebration. However, it's essential to acknowledge that not everyone experiences this time of year in the same way. For some individuals, the holidays can bring about a range of emotions, from loneliness and sadness to heightened stress and anxiety. Therefore, we need to recognize the reality that holidays are not always happy for everyone.

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Kids, Anxiety, and the Holiday Season

Kids are supposed to be happy and excited during the holidays, right? Well, for many children, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season sparks unwanted feelings of anxiousness. As adults, we tend to overlook this truth and excuse the change in behavior as being a side effect of this magical season. Yet, the fact remains that children suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and other anxiety-related disorders may experience a heightened sense of nervousness during these busy months. So, how do parents support their child’s needs and still manage their own copious to-do lists? Well, here are a few therapeutic activities that may benefit your child.

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Seasonal Depression: 4 Tips

Well, it is that time of year again, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season are now upon us! While the season can be a favorite for many, the reality is that many people do not see it as such. Whether it be the financial strain, pressure to be joyous, memories of loved ones who are no longer part of our lives, lack of sunlight, or the angst of reflecting upon another year of unfulfilled resolutions, joy often turns to sadness during these months. Whatever the reason, the holiday season can be a trigger to a mood disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and loss of interest in activities are often common symptoms for people experiencing this disorder. So, how can we cope with this difficult time? Here are a few tips on handling the stressful feelings associated with seasonal depression.

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5 Tips to Surviving Holiday Work Parties

Holiday parties can be stressful. Holiday parties at work can be even more stressful. If you are someone who has social anxiety or generalized anxiety, just thinking about your company’s holiday party is probably causing you to sweat right now. It would be easy not to go, but then that is just giving in to the irrational thoughts and beliefs. Instead, plan to go to the holiday party (even for a little it) and use some of the tips below to help you get through the event. Although the below tips are by no means exhaustive and may not apply to each individual, if attending your holiday work party is causing you to experience anxious symptoms, you may also find comfort and assistance in talking to a mental health professional.

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Holiday Gift Giving Guide

As we continue out the month of November, we are getting closer and closer to the holiday season. The holidays can be a fun, yet stressful time. Aside from dealing with family members, one of the biggest stressors around the holidays is gift-giving. It’s a tad early in the holiday season, but that is the point. Let’s try to reduce some of that holiday stress with gift-giving and find out some helpful tips as we go into the holiday season together!

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