Posts tagged collaboration
Understanding Today's Teen

Let’s talk teens! Many teens experience a range of emotions that may seem complex to those caring adults around them. Throughout the teenage years, factors such as hormones, changing bodies and minds, as well as social pressures take the front seat. Left to their own vices, today’s teen often presents with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or a lack of healthy communication skills. So, how do we as adults navigate these tumultuous waters with our teens while still preserving our relationships with them?

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September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Before diving into this article, I would like to provide a sensitivity and trigger warning. This article talks about suicide. Please proceed with caution and STOP reading at any point that you may need to.

September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Within the month itself, there is National Suicide Prevention Week (September 4 - September 10) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). The purpose of these events is to raise awareness for the treatment and prevention of suicide, educate those on the warning sides of suicide, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health treatment. This month fosters collaboration for those impacted by suicide, as well as the mental health community in providing educational resources.

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5 Tips to Surviving Holiday Work Parties

Holiday parties can be stressful. Holiday parties at work can be even more stressful. If you are someone who has social anxiety or generalized anxiety, just thinking about your company’s holiday party is probably causing you to sweat right now. It would be easy not to go, but then that is just giving in to the irrational thoughts and beliefs. Instead, plan to go to the holiday party (even for a little it) and use some of the tips below to help you get through the event. Although the below tips are by no means exhaustive and may not apply to each individual, if attending your holiday work party is causing you to experience anxious symptoms, you may also find comfort and assistance in talking to a mental health professional.

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