Happy Anniversary...?

Happy Anniversary! A year ago today was the last time I saw someone in my office prior to COVID-19. This is an anniversary I would rather not celebrate. I miss seeing people in my office. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I miss my hour commute each way to my office. There is something about having the control and decisions taken from you that does something to you. When NJ first went into quarantine and COVID-19 restrictions started to play out I never imagined it would last this long. Truthfully, I was thinking I would be back in the office in a month. When that didn’t happen, I thought for sure the summer. When that didn’t happen, I thought for sure when schools opened in September. At that point, I stopped guessing and just went with the flow. Now? I am hoping and have my fingers crossed that I can start seeing people back in the office in September 2021. Everyone’s comfort level is different. There is no right or wrong for what to do. You have to do you and do what feels right and comfortable for you and your family. 

As I look back on the past year, some changes I have made with COVID-19 (complete with photos below):

  1. Turned our attic/second floor/craft area/yoga room into my home office. Free from… well, some of the dogs barking.

  2. Invested in some good online therapy equipment. I provided online therapy prior to COVID-19, but online therapy only made up about 25% of my caseload. I have invested in a more comfortable chair, better lighting, laptop stand, noise-canceling software, and better headphones. 

  3. Longer and more flexible hours. My commute went from an hour to a short walk upstairs. This allows me to start some of my days earlier, as well as end later. Being home also allows me to schedule throughout the day and not feel stuck trying to fit everyone into my office time. 

  4. Increasing self-care. I know, I talk about this a lot. Self-care was so important to me during quarantine and while COVID-19 still impacts my “usual” routine. Making sure I take time to relax, watch some TV, color, bake, do yoga, spend time with my husband and the furbabies. 

I continue to be grateful to all my current and past patients that have stuck with me throughout this weird year. The changes have been difficult and the technology doesn’t always work, but allowing me to still be there for and with you is incredible. I encourage you to take some time over the next few weeks, as we slowly get into spring, and use it as a time for self-reflection. What good came out of this year? What changes did you make and what changes can you continue to make?