New Year Insights

New Year Insights

Here we are again, that inspiring feeling of the new year is finally upon us! It is a new year, so it should mean a new you- right? Well, not necessarily a “new you.” In fact, let’s try to forget those words and find a more realistic way to work on those goals of simply becoming a better version of yourself. We know that change is a process that takes a lot of time and commitment. So, how do we begin without feeling completely overwhelmed at the new list and disappointed in our results from last year’s? Here are a few tips to ring in 2023 with small, but meaningful progress.  

1. Less is More. That is right- choose two things from last year’s list. Look at each goal and break the goals down into smaller achievements. For example, maybe last year you hoped that you would have found that special someone and it has not yet happened. So, how about committing to going on one blind date, joining one online dating website, or trying a new hobby where you could meet like-minded people? Smaller strides may make you feel less pressured.  

2. Re-Prioritize. Take a look at what is currently most important to you. Perhaps last year,  you had less time to take on some of your goals and that set you back or maybe you want to put your health as your top priority. It is important to remember that life is continually changing and that means our situations are changing as well. Take a closer look at where you stand today, then make an informed decision as to which small goals are most achievable.  

3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. That’s right- you are your own person! Look inward at what you need and what is doable for you. Comparing yourself to other people’s accomplishments is often anxiety-provoking and only steers you away from your own goals. It is a good rule of thumb to spend less time on social media and more time learning about yourself. Surround yourself with others who foster that supportive spirit! 

Goal setting is less about hoping and wishing for change and more about doing things differently and becoming present with the changes that you aspire to be. It is far easier to say that you want things to be different this year and much more difficult to put in the work, take a hard look at what is preventing that change, and then make the time (which we all have less and less of) to forage the pathways to those changes. Well, are you up for the challenge? Look deep down inside and know that you can do this. It may not always be easy, but it is likely that it will all be worth it in hindsight next year.  

So, let’s do this- it is now time for you to take 2023 and show it who is boss!

Author: Vanessa LaBruzza, LAC