2021 Reflection

As we round out 2021, I wanted to change up my last blog post for the year. It has been an interesting year and I honestly don’t know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was adding the blog to the website and we were just starting 2021.

So many positive things have happened with Vici Psychological Care this year. The practice moved locations, which allowed for patients to get back to in-person sessions sooner. The move also allowed for an expansion to include a second room. Additional services and staff were also added this year! There have been many changes over the last two years, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I look forward to what the future holds for the practice and will keep you all posted every step of the way!

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog posts, suggesting topics for me to write about, and sharing them with others. The blog is not an easy task as it takes time to come up with the topics and ideas for the posts, time for me to write and edit them, and then making sure they go out on time. For 2022, the blog will look a little different. Currently, blog posts are being provided on a weekly basis on Wednesdays. To practice what I preach, I am putting my mental health front and center and engaging in more self-care and “me” time. With that being said, blog posts will still occur but will decrease in frequency. Blog posts will still be released across all social media platforms, but there won’t be a definitive schedule. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (or all three!) to never miss an announcement for new blog posts. As always, if there is a specific topic you would like for me to cover, feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to make it happen. 

As always, THANK YOU to my amazing employees, patients, family members, and friends who have supported me and the practice in all these endeavors.