Posts tagged gratitude
Unlocking the Power of Gratitude

In a world filled with distractions, stress, and daily challenges, it's easy to overlook the simple yet powerful practice of gratitude. Gratitude is the art of acknowledging and appreciating the good things in our lives, no matter how big or small they may be. The practice of gratitude has been shown to have numerous physical and psychological benefits, including reduced stress, improved mental well-being, and even enhanced relationships. As we approach Thanksgiving, let’s explore the art of practicing gratitude and offer practical tips to help you incorporate it into your daily life. 

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2021 Reflection

As we round out 2021, I wanted to change up my last blog post for the year. It has been an interesting year and I honestly don’t know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was adding the blog to the website and we were just starting 2021.

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Holiday Gift Giving Guide

As we continue out the month of November, we are getting closer and closer to the holiday season. The holidays can be a fun, yet stressful time. Aside from dealing with family members, one of the biggest stressors around the holidays is gift-giving. It’s a tad early in the holiday season, but that is the point. Let’s try to reduce some of that holiday stress with gift-giving and find out some helpful tips as we go into the holiday season together!

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5 Tips for Showing Gratitude

Can you believe it’s the last week of October? Where did this month go? While most people are busy getting ready for the upcoming holiday weekend, some of us are already looking ahead to the holiday season. What is the holiday season going to look like this year? Will we finally be able to have a “normal” gathering for the holidays that doesn’t include video calls? Regardless of what the holiday season may look like for you this year, we are going into a season to show kindness, gratitude, and caring. No, we don’t need a specific season to display these traits. However, if you have been finding a decrease in your use of these things, there is no better time to start!

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