Tips for Handling Busy School Schedules

Ok, so it’s that time of year again- school is back in full swing and the calendar is starting to fill up very quickly! Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the week to accomplish everything? Homework, routines, work, dinners, playdates, sports, afterschool clubs, holidays, and the list goes on. It is certainly a challenge to get through our checklists and still feel like we can breathe. Well, guess what? With a little organizing and some determination, you can make it work and still enjoy those moments!

Here are some tips to get you through these busy days ahead:

  1. Planning, planning, and more planning! Go out and buy yourself a planner book. Begin by writing down all of your family’s appointments, activities, work schedules, and outings for the month ahead. Writing everything in pencil assures it can be erased if needed! As the tasks are accomplished, feel the satisfaction of checking them off one by one!

  2. Believe it or not, it is ok to say “NO!” Yes, you can and should turn down an invite here or there. It can feel empowering to set those boundaries by allowing others to know that you need some space. 

  3. Ask for help! All too often, we assume that we should be able to do it all! Well, doing it all is often highly overrated and many times leads to feelings of anxiety and sometimes depression. Ask a friend or relative for help whenever possible and then return the favor! Nothing like creating your own support system. 

  4. Unplug and just be! It may sound unappealing, but shutting down those electronic devices, closing the planner, and taking a few minutes to rest your eyes is often satisfying enough to recharge. 

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the busy lives that we tend to lead once the season of fall begins…. stop and take control of your schedule by taking control of your mind as well! 

Author: Vanessa LaBruzza, LAC