Back-To-School Preparation
Nikki Lacherza-Drew Nikki Lacherza-Drew

Back-To-School Preparation

Does it feel like summer is going by too quickly? As we turn the calendar into August, the carefree days filled with vacations, outdoor fun, and less restricted routines begin to turn into more rigid schedules. So, how do we prepare ourselves for this inevitable change? Well, it may not be that difficult for adults to adjust to. But, how about our kids?

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Tips for Handling Busy School Schedules
Nikki Lacherza-Drew Nikki Lacherza-Drew

Tips for Handling Busy School Schedules

Ok, so it’s that time of year again- school is back in full swing and the calendar is starting to fill up very quickly! Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the week to accomplish everything? Homework, routines, work, dinners, playdates, sports, afterschool clubs, holidays, and the list goes on. It is certainly a challenge to get through our checklists and still feel like we can breathe. Well, guess what? With a little organizing and some determination, you can make it work and still enjoy those moments!

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Back to School (2021 Edition)
Nikki Lacherza-Drew Nikki Lacherza-Drew

Back to School (2021 Edition)

In a previous post, I talked about going back to school. For some schools, Spring 2021 was a time that we saw many students go back into the physical classroom for the first time since COVID-19 hit. This September, many students no longer have the option but to go back to school full time, in-person, and depending on the school districts, masks may not be required. Here are 10 tips to get you and your child(ren) ready!

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Back-to-School (finally, for in-person learning)- 10 Tips!
Nikki Lacherza-Drew Nikki Lacherza-Drew

Back-to-School (finally, for in-person learning)- 10 Tips!

I have been hearing a lot of buzz about schools reopening after spring break, or just families being more comfortable and ready to send their children back to school. There is no right or wrong answer here. You do what works best for your child, their needs, and your family. If you do decide to have your child return to school for in-person learning, however that might look for the district, below are some helpful guidelines to make the transition as smooth as possible.

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