Posts tagged empathy
Ways to Help Someone Struggling with Depression

For most people, supporting someone struggling with depression doesn’t come super naturally. This can be because of a variety of factors including lack of experience or knowledge about handling depression, discomfort with experiencing their own negative emotions, or simply being unaware that they can truly make a difference in the experience of the person they love.

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The Power of Respect: Teaching Kids the Golden Rule

In October, schools across America recognize the Week of Respect. Respect is a fundamental value that every child should learn from a young age. It forms the basis of healthy relationships, builds empathy, and promotes kindness and understanding in our society. Teaching respect to children is about helping them understand that every person deserves kindness, consideration, and fair treatment.

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Understanding Today's Teen

Let’s talk teens! Many teens experience a range of emotions that may seem complex to those caring adults around them. Throughout the teenage years, factors such as hormones, changing bodies and minds, as well as social pressures take the front seat. Left to their own vices, today’s teen often presents with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or a lack of healthy communication skills. So, how do we as adults navigate these tumultuous waters with our teens while still preserving our relationships with them?

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Grown-Ups is More Inclusive

Inclusivity. It’s a term most of us hear often and if you ask us, we would say we are inclusive. But how deep does inclusivity really go? A post went viral earlier this year calling for adults, mainly teachers, to refer to their students’ parents as “their grown-ups.”

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