Posts tagged rapport
What to Look for in a Therapist

Let’s face it, therapy can be scary. Before you even set foot in the room, you have to make that call. Actually, even before making that call, you need to find someone you think might be a good fit. Unlike other providers for services, therapy is a little more intimate. The relationship between therapist and patient is a unique one, unlike any other relationship you may ever have. You want to make sure that the person you are sitting across from each week is someone you fit with.

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These Are a Few of My Favorite Things... (games edition)

I really had to think about some of my favorite things I use in sessions. There tend to be a lot of different items I use, and sometimes I use the same item for different things. However, I pulled out my phone and walked around my office to figure out what really are my go-to items. These items are in no particular order and if you decide to try some of them out, they are not to substitute or be a continuation of therapy services.

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