Posts tagged inform
Talking to Your Child About Suicide Prevention

During the month of September, we recognize Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is a challenging and sensitive topic that no one wants to discuss, let alone with their children. However, addressing suicide prevention with kids is crucial in today's world, where mental health issues are on the rise. Parents play a vital role in creating a safe and supportive environment for their children to discuss their feelings and concerns. Let’s explore the importance of talking about suicide prevention with kids and offer guidance on how to approach this difficult conversation.

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The Summer Blues: The Other Side of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Ah, at last, the summer has finally arrived! For many people, this time of year brings a sense of joy, lightheartedness, and fun. Afterall, what’s not to like about sunshine, beach outings, vacations, and longer days? It would seem like a simple equation for happiness and uplifted moods- right? However, a  small percentage of people experience summer much differently than the majority. You have probably heard of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is typically associated with the winter months. This is when a person experiences symptoms of depression due to less sunlight and colder temperatures.  However, for a smaller subset of people, summer has the opposite effect and triggers an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. Experts believe it may be attributed to higher humidity levels, social pressures, body image issues, or longer days. So, what can we do to help ease summer depression symptoms? Here are a few tips to help cope with SAD in the summer.

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Mental Health Awareness for Teens

Let’s take note of a particular population that has been facing a unique set of challenges over the past few years- our teens. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a loss of socialization skills, an increase in stress, and a disruption in the routines and norms of our teens’ lives. In fact, there is no better time to raise awareness of the importance of addressing the mental health needs of teenagers as the ramifications of their challenges are now being seen more readily both at school and at home.

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What to Expect in Therapy

In honor of Counseling Awareness Month, let’s talk about the therapy process! Have you ever considered going to therapy, but wondered how that would appear in the eyes of others? If so,  then you are certainly not alone. In fact, many people shy away from the idea of seeking therapy, out of the fear of being evaluated or being labeled as “crazy.” It is not uncommon for us to wonder about what this process looks like in real-time. After all, many people have only been exposed to therapy by viewing how the media wants to portray the process. Picture the typical movie version of an overwhelmed person lying on a couch, while a serious clinician takes notes and asks invasive questions. Yet, this is an over-exaggerated depiction of what therapy actually looks like. In fact, therapy is quite different than this overused stereotype.  

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September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Before diving into this article, I would like to provide a sensitivity and trigger warning. This article talks about suicide. Please proceed with caution and STOP reading at any point that you may need to.

September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Within the month itself, there is National Suicide Prevention Week (September 4 - September 10) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). The purpose of these events is to raise awareness for the treatment and prevention of suicide, educate those on the warning sides of suicide, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health treatment. This month fosters collaboration for those impacted by suicide, as well as the mental health community in providing educational resources.

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