Posts tagged expectations
How to be Supportive- 5 Tips

Supporting someone with a mental health diagnosis can be extremely difficult. You might not understand their symptoms or what they are going through or you might be afraid of saying the wrong thing and making them feel worse. There is no specific guidebook on how to help someone. Sure, you have this blog post, many others, and even actual self-help books out there. Those are great, but mental health isn’t cookie-cutter nor is supporting someone through their mental health struggles. I encourage you to gather as much information as possible and see what applies to your loved ones through their journey.

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5 Tips for Appropriate Device Usage

Let’s talk about devices and screen time. This is a hot topic that I frequently discuss with the parents of my patients. Since COVID-19 and the summer vacation being here, I have discussed it even more often lately.

Various studies have shown that screen time can impact eyesight, mood, impulsivity, and self-esteem. That short list isn’t even exhaustive either. Many parents I work with ask me what is an appropriate time for their child to be on devices and how early is too early for children to be exposed to devices.

To further assist in setting appropriate boundaries with devices, here are some tips:

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