Posts tagged balance
Self-Care vs Self-Indulgence: Finding the Balance

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “self-care?” For many of us, our minds are flooded with images of bubble baths, long days at the spa, shopping sprees, and other things that are generally either unattainable or unrealistic to do regularly. Sure, those activities might be part of self-care for some people, but self-care has become such a buzzword these days that its meaning has been skewed and often confused with self-indulgence. This confusion overshadows the deeper meaning and purpose behind true self-care practices. 

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5 Tips for Returning to Work

Let’s face it… virtual and hybrid methods of work are here to stay! This might mean a company or position in a company going 100% remote or a hybrid method of some remote work as well as some in-person work. If you find yourself in a position where you do need to return to in-person work, whether 100% or a hybrid method, how do you prepare for that transition back?

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