Posts tagged attention
Attention-Seeking vs. Support-Seeking

Say it. Say the phrase, “attention-seeking.” What comes to mind when you do? Is it a young child misbehaving? Is it an adult acting in an exaggerating manner? The phrase and the images that accompany it often stir up negative emotions. “Ugh, she’s so attention-seeking, what is wrong with her?”

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Walk & Talk Therapy

Walk-and-talk therapy can be known by different names. Regardless of the name, this form of therapy brings the provider and the patient outside the therapy room. Walk-and-talk therapy is not a new concept and has its roots in mindfulness-based therapy, as well as body-oriented therapy. Numerous research studies show the benefits of the outdoors, as well as bringing the outdoors inside (e.g. having plants in the home). Some benefits to being outdoors include decreased anxiety, increased concentration and happiness, improved creativity, and better physical health.

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