Questions to Ask Your Insurance Company
Do I have out-of-network (OON) benefits? If so, what are they?
If I have a deductible, what is it and where am I currently at?
Do you cover telehealth (GT or 95 codes). If so, for how long and are there any restrictions?
What is the standard reimbursement rate for the follow CPT codes:
90791- Psychodiagnostic Evaluation/Intake
90834- Individual Psychotherapy (45 minutes)
Additional codes that might be used at times:
90832- Individual Psychotherapy (30 minutes)
90837- Individual Psychotherapy (60 minutes)
90846- Family Psychotherapy without the Patient Present
90847- Family Psychotherapy with the Patient Present
* As a friendly reminder, I do not speak, write, or otherwise respond to insurance companies at any time.