Posts tagged safe
September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Before diving into this article, I would like to provide a sensitivity and trigger warning. This article talks about suicide. Please proceed with caution and STOP reading at any point that you may need to.

September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Within the month itself, there is National Suicide Prevention Week (September 4 - September 10) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). The purpose of these events is to raise awareness for the treatment and prevention of suicide, educate those on the warning sides of suicide, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health treatment. This month fosters collaboration for those impacted by suicide, as well as the mental health community in providing educational resources.

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Vacation Jitters- Tips to Help Prepare Your Child

Vacations can be exciting times, especially after the year 2020 and parts of 2021 have been. However, vacations are often a time of uncertainty and anxiety for some children. The slightest change, even positive change, and ones that children are excited about can still cause anxious thoughts to run wild in their minds.

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