Posts tagged SAD
The Summer Blues: The Other Side of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Ah, at last, the summer has finally arrived! For many people, this time of year brings a sense of joy, lightheartedness, and fun. Afterall, what’s not to like about sunshine, beach outings, vacations, and longer days? It would seem like a simple equation for happiness and uplifted moods- right? However, a  small percentage of people experience summer much differently than the majority. You have probably heard of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is typically associated with the winter months. This is when a person experiences symptoms of depression due to less sunlight and colder temperatures.  However, for a smaller subset of people, summer has the opposite effect and triggers an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. Experts believe it may be attributed to higher humidity levels, social pressures, body image issues, or longer days. So, what can we do to help ease summer depression symptoms? Here are a few tips to help cope with SAD in the summer.

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Seasonal Depression: 4 Tips

Well, it is that time of year again, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season are now upon us! While the season can be a favorite for many, the reality is that many people do not see it as such. Whether it be the financial strain, pressure to be joyous, memories of loved ones who are no longer part of our lives, lack of sunlight, or the angst of reflecting upon another year of unfulfilled resolutions, joy often turns to sadness during these months. Whatever the reason, the holiday season can be a trigger to a mood disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and loss of interest in activities are often common symptoms for people experiencing this disorder. So, how can we cope with this difficult time? Here are a few tips on handling the stressful feelings associated with seasonal depression.

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Winter Blues... or Is It?

Can you believe it’s October already? Where did summer go and where did September go? October offers the promise of fall activities, the upcoming holiday season, and the (usual) dreaded clock change. I mean, most of us do like getting an extra hour of sleep, but most of us also dislike how early it gets dark now.

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